Have you ever felt as if you are beating your head against a wall?

You repeatedly try to reach a #goal but you never seem to #achieve it. Instead you are struggling rather than moving forward and achieving your goals with grace and ease.
You are not alone. The #struggle to move from what we don’t want to what we do want is, unfortunately, a fundamental struggle for many individuals. Believe it or not, it is very common for people to struggle against what they want and to actively limit their #potential.
In order to have what you want, you must be willing to #endthestruggle and move into action. Your success is dependent on your #ability to reach your goals and achieve.
The easiest way to move from “stuck” into action without struggle is to be #authentic and to be in alignment with your authenticity. Authenticity means that you are connected to your core and that your desires are a true reflection of your #innerself and #soul.
Alignment means that your entire being is in agreement with the goal you want to achieve. For example, you come home from work one evening and you are very tired. But this evening is your workout night. You sit on the couch and actually have to talk yourself into getting into your gym clothes and heading off to the gym. What you did in convincing part of yourself to go to the gym when it really wanted to rest on the couch is called alignment. You got yourself into alignment with the idea and intention of going to the gym no matter how tired a part of you felt.
To end struggle and successfully achieve goals, all parts of you must work together for #manifestation. That means all bodies- #mental, #physical, #emotional and #spiritual, must be in agreement concerning a goal. There can be no #doubts, limiting beliefs or attachments. The following describes a process you can use to do an authenticity check concerning your goals and bring yourself into alignment with your goals.
“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let out true selves be seen.” - Brene Brown
Step One: Sit quietly
Create a peaceful, serene and nurturing space for yourself. It must be a space where you feel comfortable and secure. Spend several minutes in quiet and inner reflection upon your goal. Have paper and pen handy.
Step Two: The authenticity check
Ask within if this goal is the appropriate goal for you to achieve at this time. If the answer is yes, skip to the next step. If the answer is no, ask what a more appropriate goal would be for you right now.

By asking this question, you move from being ruled by the needs of the mind (survival issues) and begin to access the soul within. You leave behind the petty desires of the ego and move into realizing the desires of the soul. As a result, your goals become truer and more authentic.
Write down the response you receive. If you need additional clarity concerning the response, ask for it. Keep asking within until you feel complete.
Step Three: Alignment
Once you have a defined and authentic goal, it is time to create alignment. Remain in your space of quiet and comfort; ask to speak to your mental body. (You will repeat step three with each of the bodies) Ask your mental body if it is willing to be in alignment with your goal. The purpose of this question is to uncover any blocks or limitations that reside in the mental body concerning the goal. If the answer is yes, proceed to the next body: physical, spiritual and emotional.
If the answer is no, simply begin a conversation with this part of you. Some questions to begin with are: Why are you not willing to be in alignment with this goal? What would it take for you to be in alignment with this goal?

When a part is not willing to be in alignment with an authentic goal, the cause may be fear or insecurity. Usually the situation is remedied by helping the party understand that it is taken care of, that it is safe and that it has nothing to fear. Simply, have a conversation with the part and inform it of the truth.
Once you receive the willingness of all the bodies, remember to thank them for supporting the manifestation of this authentic goal. Affirm your alignment with this goal and your intention to manifest it.
By completing this process, you have created an authentic goal and brought yourself into full alignment with this goal. You can now move forward without struggle because all blocks have been removed. #Success shall be yours.
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Blog produced in collaboration with HeadHealerUK.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Website.
